O(≧▽≦)O HAPPY NEW YEAR !! O(≧▽≦)O
So 'tomorrow' obviously means a whole week (plus) later! Ahem, excuse my haphazard blogging schedule.
It is almost the end of my Christmas/New Year holiday and I'll be back at work on Monday, so it will be great to just chill out for these last few days before the routine kicks back in.
What was the year of 2014? Well, the ultimate achievement was definitely getting into full time work in an industry I enjoy. I will continue to strive in this area for years to come, so it will be an ongoing course of development.
On the personal side of things, things pretty much stayed the same if not worse. Some circumstances this year have made me feel a little more fragile and I hope to rise above it again and help myself as much as I can.
I forgot that when I get into my work, I really get into it and have no room left for anything else ... I tend to have a one track mind once I'm set on something ... but I suppose its normal for the first year and hopefully I will have more energy to spare in 2015!
There were some pretty cool things that happened in 2014 though ...
Japan Trip
First overseas trip! And oh boy, was I excited.
I had the opportunity to go to Japan with a group of friends and it was AMAZING, It was everything I had imagined and there's no doubt that I will go back there again!
I appreciate all the everyday things the country has. The convenience stores were ever so convenient. The items that were so expensive in New Zealand were so affordable! (Duh) The people were so polite and courteous to one another. The customer service was amazing. People took care of the way they dressed more. The packaging is so cute. They have mascots for everything. The souvenirs were too cute. The environment was so clean and curated. The night life was buzzing so things were still happening after work hours, like malls were open till 7-ish every day! Everything was presented so well. Japanese graphic design! Trains were on time, and very handy to travel from place to place. THE SHOPPING EXPERIENCE - I HAVE NO WORDS. I didn't save too much for spending though .. so next time I shall be fully prepared >o>
People were so stealthy with their games haha ... when we were in the Tokyo trains, everyone looked so professional but I would always get a few streetpasses on my 3DS every time I passed them. Managed to collect at least one person from every region, oh yeah! This shall be the challenge now every time I go to a new country~ alas it will probably be more difficult unless I go to a convention or something.
It was also the first time I've been in a country where the people were predominantly Asian, so I don't know ... I guess I felt at 'home' if that makes any sense. Even though I'm Chinese ...
If I have some time, I may do a photo log of my experiences there to keep as a memento. Hopefully everything will come back to me when I go through the pictures.
There are just too many things to mention that I don't know where to start!
The verdict: Best trip ever!
(Now, where did I put those photos ...)
I was fortunate enough to attend two concerts of two amazing artists. Paramore early in the year, and Kimbra later in the year. Both performances were strong and had amazing stage presence.
Chlo-chan and I (and Kimbra!) We were fortunate enough to be in the second row~ Wooo!
Kimbra's performance was so passionate and sonically driven! I love her flared dress too. So cute.
(I seemed to have misplaced my Paramore pics, noooo .. will go on scavenger hunt!)
Shopping Trips
I like to shop alone most times, because that way I don't have to inconvenience anybody and take up too much of their time. Cos I am so fussy, I take forever deciding if I want to buy something or not. Only recently did I discover that there was a Japanese makeup shop in the city! IPPONDO! Apparently it was already there for nine years, but somehow I must have missed it. It is a dreamland~ All the cute makeups! All the hair dye colours! Eye shadow palettes in the cute colours I actually use! Blush colour palettes that are more subtle and soft in colour! And OMG .. Dolly Wink products. Once I used the Dolly Wink eyeliner, I never want to go back. Super waterproof even for my oily as eyes. I'm gonna be a gullible consumer and say that the packaging of the products are amazing too. This is the graphic designer part of me showing ~~

It's also fun going on cosplay shopping trips with friends too. Manukau is a great location to buy fabrics. David's Emporium has quite a few affordable fabrics and haberdashery, and if items can't be found there - Spotlight is just a walk away.
Annie Cosplay
I managed to complete one cosplay! I am terrible and left this till the last week before Armageddon .. when I had freelance work due that week too /o\
This year, things have got to change. There is more responsibility and costumes are more complex.
I am glad I managed to finish the costume. The character was Annie from League of Legends. The items I made were the pink backpack, kitty headband, dress and leg warmers~ Ended up buying a teddy bear for a makeshift Tibbers (that does the haka, LOL)
I remember how hectic that week was! But Amey was also making last minute progress with her TF2 costume too, so we had a mini sewing party which helped lift the spirits and motivation too!
Conventions and Cosplay Events
Always something to look forward to every year! Overload, Armageddon and various new cosplay events that have popped up everywhere~ It is always such fun participating in events where you are allowed to embrace in your geekiness through and through ^^
Australia Trip
Planned a fun two week getaway with my bestie, Lunatarius. The trip turned out to be an epic adventure of theme parks and being a tourist, food, shopping(!) and good ol' relaxing.
The Gold Coast had very nice warm weather! It was quite dry compared to the more humid warm weather we get in Auckland. It was a nice time of year to travel because it wasn't too packed in this tourist area. We went to a few of the theme parks - Dreamworld, Movie World, and Sea World.
Above: The view from the Eureka Skydeck in Melbourne
Melbourne is a nice, liveable city. Felt like a bigger Auckland - with better transport and more places to shop. Seems like a place that is easy to adapt.
Attended a gaming convention called PAX. First overseas convention! Mostly hung around the board games area and showed up for the cosplay talks that were held that day. Much insight, and glad to get some useful tips for future cosplays - especially with my future endeavour into creating armour!
Managed to buy Cards Against Humanity! It was a very good idea. Been having the best time playing and giggling along to this game with my friends since xD The only downside was that it was a pretty heavy item to take home OTL
Made a little mouse out of paper~
Randomly bumped into the talented Ry! xD
Had just encountered him tabling at Auckland Armageddon just week earlier~ I remember being so excited to see him at the event the first time last year because it was the first time an international artist I admired online had come to little ol' New Zealand!
(Excuse my derp face roflmao)
Was fortunate to meet an online buddy in Melbourne - the awesome, talented Chan! It was also the first time meeting someone I talked to online~ She showed me around the city and nice places to eat.
Helped influence my decision to buy cute items of clothing faster too >o> Darn it - feeding my shopping addiction~ Now, I wear that pink usamimi almost every day haha - thank you.
Hope to visit again!
I may need to make a photo log of Australia as well at some point as a memento~ too many things to mention.
The verdict: Awesome getaway across the ditch!
Christmas Holiday
These past two weeks have been a blast! We had free drinks at work on that last Friday haha, and launched right into holiday mode.
Below: Tapas with some workmates
Travelled a little during the break. Spending time with family. Went to Paintball for the first time. Caught up with friends with watching The Hobbit and dinner at Doolan Brothers. Played lots of board games which was a lot of fun! Cards Against Humanity seemed to be a best buy of the year as it seems to be a hit when lots of people are gathered together. Always a game that has you rolling on the floor with laughter. Made paper children, and geocaching with Amey. Saw Big Hero 6 with Lunatarius.
Below: Clay Pot Bibimbap in Hamilton! Mmm, dat crispy rice.
Below: Christmas Eve gathering.
Watched The Hobbit -> Dinner at Doolan Brothers -> Dessert and Cards Against Humanity at Goode Brothers! So much fun >u<
Below: Paintball haps with my cousin's cousins and their friends.
I don't think I will go to paintball again unless super peer pressured! I ended up eating paint /o\ But it was a good experience to tick off the bucket list, lol xD
Below: Making Paper Children with Amey
She made creepy paper heads of Janelle and I /o\ Totally accurate of course.
Been to Rotorua a couple times, but somehow this is the first time I encountered geothermal activity without having to pay to see it o.o We were out geocaching when we chanced upon it~
Played some board games with Lunatarius n his crew, including this one called 'Hot Tin Roof'. Cute game where your little board markers are cats, and the aim of the game was to collect the most fish.
Managed to get myself into playing some handheld games too - especially Tomodachi Life of which I am so addicted to at the moment! It's nice being god for once ROFLMAO. And its funny seeing real life people and fictional characters interact ... let the shipping begin.
I do not know why I subject myself to playing Five Night at Freddy's though /o\ I bought it for Amey! But she insisted I should have a go too. *Nervous laughter* Never again ..
Maybe you should play~
I just travelled back to Auckland on New Year's Eve and felt a bit dizzy. Guess why?
I started playing Persona Q on the bus, and I wanted to take a photo of a cute quotes ... but when I was trying to position the phone in the right angle, I got a bit nauseas. Darn it, dorkiness you did it again!
Cute new character - Rei-chan~
She seems to be obsessed with food hehe
Had the best ever Skype session with some friends counting down the last minutes of 2014 while geeking out and playing Cards Against Humanity online.
And then, today - had an impromptu photoshoot with some other friends. This was my look today. Am so tempted to go blonde for real, so had bought two boxes for that moment when I will take that leap! We'll see if that happens ...
So much fun during this break, when I thought I was just gonna draw my life away haha.
And now its almost come to an end!
Maybe I'll take it easy these last few days~
What about 2015?
I'll keep it simple this year.
In 2015, I want to be happy.